Uganda is already experiencing adverse impacts of climate change. There have been alterations in seasons, prolonged droughts that have led to hunger and malnutrition due to poor harvest, floods that have led to death of people and damage to public and private infrastructure. The continued dwindling of forests in most parts of the country means that the resilience of communities to adverse weather conditions is continuously being compromised yet the farming communities are not aware and ready to face the challenges of the continuously changing climate.
Our climate change programme is intended to work with communities to implement measures that lead to the creation of climate change resilient communities.
Our work involves;
- Communication and awareness raising on climate change issues at local, sub national and national levels.
- Creating climate change resilient communities through supporting communities to grow and protect trees for firewood, risk reduction and disaster management as well as household level sources of fuel wood, poles and timber.
- Promoting the adoption of clean energy cooking technologies specifically firewood saving stoves at household level.
- Promoting the adoption of low cost rainwater harvesting techniques and drip irrigation systems for the rural farmers,