Tree Nursery established at Sebei College Tegeres in Kapchorwa under the Schools Initiative to conserve Mount Elgon Ecosystem Project. The nursery has a number of tree species including Podocarpus species, Grevillea robusta, Cordia Africana, Syzygium austral, etc. The tree nursery as a learning centre for the students on a number of issues concerning environmental conservation but also a training centre for the community farmers who also benefit from the seedlings raised.
Under, Community farmers around Kwot Hill in Kapchorwa District being empowered to use the A-Frame method as a soil and water conservation technique to control soil erosion, floods and landslides but also maintain soil fertility for sustainability.
Soil erosion control using a water conservation channel promoted by Tree Talk Plus in Amach sub county, Lira District
A Tree Talk Plus office display of seed of different tree species promoted
Natural Resource stakeholders’ meeting on Climate Change financing and budgeting in Gulu